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True Mother's message - 1st Class of Heavenly Top Gun Kick-off Ceremony (February 22, 2024)
Date created : 2024-03-15/ Views : 1184

True Mother’s Message at the Heavenly Top Gun Kick-Off Ceremony 2024 which was held at CheonBo Heaven and Earth Training center on February 22, 2024


Heaven has bestowed blessings and love on this day, in the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk, the Year of the Blue Dragon.


Both heaven and earth have become white and clean, with everything false and dark concealed. Likewise, Heaven loves you, who are white, clean, pure water. Thanks to Heaven’s blessings, heaven and earth have become whiter than ever before. Seeing the white snow-clad land as I came down from Cheon Jeong Gung to the Cheonseong Wangrim Palace Training Center, I could feel how much Heavenly Parent has looked forward to this day and wishes to rejoice with his children.


Heaven blessed the Korean people on the Korean Peninsula in the East, who had long been a people of goodness who revered Heaven. Through them, God brought the only begotten daughter to be born in 1943. 

Being the only begotten daughter, I have known God as my parent since I was born. Therefore, I do not have a teacher. Heavenly Parent is everything to me.  

eventually established the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of [World] Christianity. Father received the date of the Holy Wedding as the 16th day of the 3rd month in 1960. Father, however, was not in a position to decide on his bride. Thus he could not select anyone. This situation was not resolved until the last moment, with only one day left before the Holy Wedding…. Back then I was a student, living in a dormitory. A lady came to see me, telling me that my mother was ill and near death and asking me to come. Consequently, I excused myself, only to discover that it was not my mother that was in critical condition; rather, it was True Father’s situation that was critical.


They had received the date of the Holy Wedding, but there was still no bride. Looking at the situation, I thought of Heavenly Parent’s heart and circumstances based on my 17 years of relationship with Heavenly Parent. Consequently, I was asked to help the providence, which could not be delayed any further. So I resolved to do it…. Had I not done so, it would not have been possible. Only if I stepped forward could Heavenly Parent’s dream be realized, and God’s providence completed. I knew I must step forward, so I said “I will do this.”


Please think about this. For a 17-year-old to marry a 40-year-old is not easy, is it? Nevertheless, I knew the circumstances and the desire of Heavenly Parent who had been with me; I made that decision. That is how True Parents emerged on the 16th day of the 3rd month [by the lunar calendar] in 1960. And many blessed families have been given birth as a result. 

Although I was the only begotten daughter who should see the completion of the True Parents’ providence, I could not say that I was the only begotten daughter. Rather than me, it should have been my spouse who said this…. Thus, the 53-year history of the Unification Church can be viewed as a wilderness period. It emerged as a male-oriented time. The Principle of Creation, however, teaches about man and woman, the only begotten son and daughter. The 53-year history of the Unification Church was thus a wilderness period. During this time we could only put tents up.


As a result, Heaven… Who opened Foundation Day? (Mother~) Heaven instructed me to open Foundation Day. [Applause] I proclaimed Cheon Il Guk. Moreover, to see the fulfilment of the firm settlement and completion of Cheon Il Guk, I must show this to you. Therefore, I needed to expand the earthly environment of the heavenly kingdom here in the Cheonwon complex where the victorious True Parents, in attendance of Heavenly Parent, live together with their children in the kingdom of God on earth. To do this, I needed to build a palace where Heavenly Parent can reside. However, no one understood my situation.


To this day, the history of fallen humanity has been dominated by men. Therefore, we have never seen a day of peace. Wars are raging.


Religion is no different. Religions emerged being dominated by men. Yet our Creator’s Principle of Creation is based on pairs. Therefore, the fulfilment of God’s providence that Christianity and all religions have failed to realize and the end of fallen human history that cannot be achieved by men alone can only be accomplished through my presence. Only through the only begotten daughter, the mother of the universe and the mother of peace, can unity be achieved.

Although the man has the seed, it is the mother who gives birth to new life. Life comes into being through the mother. You need to be aware of this. All the twisted and wrong aspects of human history, the history of fallen humankind, will be untangled and reorganized one by one through the only begotten daughter, the mother of the universe and the mother of peace. And a world of one great family of humankind that attends Heavenly Parent will certainly be realized.


After Father’s ascension I sold Father’s helicopter. What was the first thing I did with the money? Did I not create the Wonmo Scholarship Foundation and use it toward your education? Have I not told you that you are pure water born through your parents, whom True Parents blessed?


Pure water should not be still. Water must flow. It must flow out to the higher, wider world. If through you, the pure water, the fallen world is purified one nation at a time and the environment emerges wherein people come to know about True Parents and attend Heavenly Parent, what would that be? Isn’t that the kingdom of heaven on earth? 

Here, what matters most is that I believe in you, love you, and have raised you as very important treasures. The problem lies, however, in whether the environment where people can attend Heavenly Parent, the kingdom of heaven on earth, expands while True Parents are still on earth. True Mother is now over 80 years old. I have to live a long life, but how much longer will I be able to live? When I ascend to Heaven, I would like to be able to say with pride that you, the pure water, have become one with me and have expanded, to a certain number among the 8 billion people of the world, the environment in which people can attend Heavenly Parent. 

Ah~ I have waited so long to hear your beautiful, soaring voices… Thank you. 


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