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Full Speeches
True Mother’s Message - True Love Festival for the Unification of North and South Korea (November 19, 2023)
Date created : 2024-03-05/ Views : 1029

Namyangju Grand Church True Love Festival for the Unification of North and South Korea 

November 19, 2023

It has been a long time.

I am so pleased to see you.

I don't know if you will remember, 

but during the Jardim Providence, 

we saw large trees with very pretty flowers.

And some of you may have seen the beautiful flowers blooming 

on the Monkey Pod Tree on the Big Island of Hawaii.

The Monkey Pod Tree has a trunk that when 

it grows large it will take 10 people to encircle it. 

That’s how big a tree it is.

When you see that tree, the roots and 

trunk have become one and it is growing.

Yes, it is growing many branches, 

bearing fruit, and its flowers are blooming.

So, if you go to a place called Hilo 

on the Big Island of Hawaii, 

you will see a tree where about 100 people 

can sit and rest under its shade in the summer.

The reason I am saying this is that it was 10 years ago

when I bought this church for you all, 

and when I look to see if the church

has kept the promise it made to me,

fortunately, this church has many early members 

who have played a central role 

in the providence of 

the Unification Church.

So, those elders have become trunks and 

have grown in a place where they become one 

with Heavenly Parent 

and True Parents.

I pray that this beautiful church in Namyangju 

will grow many branches, bear fruit and blossom.

What are the current responsibilities of 

our blessed families who are living in the 

Cheon Il Guk era, the time of the 

completion of God’s providence?

The Creator, the center of the universe, 

had his dream.

God created the first man and woman in the 

divine image and gave them a period of time 

during which they should mature.

God waited for the first human beings, 

who were supposed to take the central position, 

to grow and perfect their characters.

Yet they were unable to do so and fell, giving birth to 

the human race in the present time. The history of humanity,

which for 6,000 years has been marked by 

constant war and conflicts, has, through ignorance, 

resulted in the destruction of this beautiful earth 

God created for humankind.

Furthermore, scientists say that there is no hope for 

the future of the earth let alone the future of humanity.

Heavenly Parent searched for a man and a woman 

who could become the victorious human ancestors.

Since our almighty and all-knowing God is the same 

at the beginning and the end, he had no choice 

but to carry out the work of the providence 

of salvation, restoration through indemnity.

What do you think is the mission of the 

Second Coming Messiah? What was Jesus’ hope?

Why did he say he would come back? He said 

he would return to meet the only begotten Daughter.

As I said before, Heaven must achieve the 

completion of its providence without fail.

For the completion of the providence, 

God must bring about the birth of the only begotten Daughter. 

In 1943 the only daughter was born 

on the Korean Peninsula.

Because we know what Heavenly Parent’s desire is, 

True Parents must experience life in the kingdom of 

heaven on earth in attendance of Heavenly Parent.

We have to show this.

You cannot do this when you have nothing to show, right? 

So I stepped forward.

The Cheon Il Guk of the Cheon Il Guk era 

was opened though the True Parents, 

by True Mother, the only begotten Daughter.

Heavenly Parent must bring Heavenly Parent’s dreams 

and wishes to fruition while True Mother is on earth. 

This must be accomplished while

True Parents are on earth.

That's why I created [HJ] Cheonwon; 

because I wanted to show 

how heaven on earth in Cheon Il Guk, which 

we should see and welcome in the future, should be.

Blessed families living in the era of Cheon Il Guk must take responsibility.

I showed you everything and created the environment for you. Then what should you do? 

You must accomplish national restoration.

All 50 million people in this country must come to know 

True Parents and live in attendance of Heavenly Parent.

Heaven raised the chosen people in order to bring 

about the birth of the only begotten daughter. 

God cultivated the chosen people. 

This is 2,000 years of history.

Is Namyangju a city? 

You must work to become the number one city 

to accomplish city-restoration, national restoration. 

You will do that, right? 

As I said before, I hope that, like the 

Monkey Pod Tree, the roots of the True Parents, 

the body of Heavenly Parent, and you, 

the elders and blessed families,

become a very strong body, 

create many branches, 

and become a beautiful Namyangju Grand Church that 

bears much fruit and where many flowers bloom. [Applause] 

[Additional message]

Next year, UPA will have cadets graduating.

Shinchul and Shinheung will also be part of that[group]

I plan to send our graduates to the worldwide mission.

We need to inform not only Korean 

families but also 8 billion people 

about True Parents and Heavenly Parent, right?

So, I am very interested in the second generation 

because when they graduate from college, 

they will have to do one or two years 

of public service and then 

they can continue with their university or 

do what they want the following year.

The second generations are the center and 

flower of the future of the blessed families.

I hope they will bloom and 

flourish across the world!

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