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Heavenly Korea Leadership Hyojeong Special Training Special Assembly with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind (November 11, 2023)
Date created : 2024-03-05/ Views : 395

Heavenly Korea Leadership Hyojeong Special Training

Special Assembly with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

November 11, 2023 (Saturday) at the HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center



Today is a good day, a joyful day, a happy day.

Yesterday I watched the whole program from beginning to end.


Heavenly Parent's dream is to experience the kingdom

of heaven on earth with True Parents and


with their children who have perfected their character during their earthly lives.


God carried out the providence in the hope that 

life in the kingdom of heaven on earth will continue


as eternal life in the kingdom of heaven in heaven.


So, since Foundation Day, as I have been carrying out

the providence, and we need to create an environment


where people can attend Heavenly Parent.


We must therefore have the environment in which

least one third of the 8 billion people of the world


can come to know and attend Heavenly Parent. 


To achieve this, I had to not just make a declaration,

but show the reality that we had established


the conditions to restore

at least seven religious orders,


seven nations and a continent. Following this,

I declared the firm settlement of Cheon Il Guk.

The mission of the True Parents is to attend

Heavenly Parent on earth, yet from Foundation Day


until this, the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk,

I have been by myself.

What is it that I must do for Father?

What does Father in the spirit world wish from you all?


So I said, from now on, the Unification Church

will continue with the spirit and truth.

That's why I have been saying that we will work

with a dual system of Cheon Shim Won and


the Family Federation

working together as one.


Why is prayer at Cheon Shim Won important?

We are saying that Father in the spirit world should


come forward to expand the environment

that Heavenly Parent needs.

This is Father's desire and humanity's desire. Therefore,

you all should pray to True Father fervently at Cheon Shim Won.


You will visit this place today. Pray, “Please be with us, Father.

Please show us the power of Heaven.” Do you understand?

National Restoration. With the dedication of

Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum,


national restoration should

in fact have been achieved.

Moreover, the Korean people, who gave

True Parents birth, should have taken responsibility and


become the model central nation

in front of the world.

That is why you should do your best to educate

them in all areas. You have to let them know.


The time for such things does not last.

We cannot be late.

In that regard,

I'm not afraid of anything now.


How did the Berlin Wall in Germany fall?

The Unification Church, the second generation…


Heaven heard the thunderous roar of

our CARP members.


Now is a time when the courage, boldness,

and wisdom of the pastors responsible for the people


of this country—especially

the young leaders—is needed.

No one will oppose you, wherever you go.


 So, I hope you all do your best so that even before

2025 we can shout Mansei for national restoration. (Yes)

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