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Notice [Live broadcast] Celebration of the 18th Anniversary of the Coronation Ceremony, the True Parents' Entrance into Cheon Jeong Gung 2024.07.16 1267
Notice PeaceTV App - E-Book Updates 2021.12.01 810
77 2018 Hyojeong Cheongpyeong Azalea Festival 2018.04.05 98
76 [Diffusion en direct] Evénements célébrant l'anniversaire des Vrais Parents et le 5e anniversaire du Jour de la Fondation 2018.02.14 7596
75 [Live Broadcast] Events Celebrating True Parents’ Birthday and the 5th Anniversary of Foundation Day 2018.02.14 5027
74 (Live Broadcast) Special Banquet to Celebrate True Parents' Victorious Return from Africa Summit 2018 2018.01.22 827
73 [Live Broadcast]Africa Summit 2018 2018.01.15 1383
72 [Live Broadcast]2018 True Parents’ Special New Year’s Gathering for Cheon Il Guk Leaders 2018.01.03 855
71 Video Playlist - Special Performance by the Little Angels 2017.12.19 285
70 [Live Broadcast]Sharing the Culture of Traditional Arts Special Performance by the Little Angels 2017.12.07 537
69 [Live Broadcast ]Special Thanksgiving Banquet to Celebrate True Parents' Victorious Rallies in Nagoya and Osaka 2017.11.21 256
68 [Live Broadcast]Osaka Hyo Jeong Family Festival 2017.11.17 543
67 [Live Broadcast]Nagoya, Aichi 2017 Hyo Jeong Culture Festival 2017.11.14 231
66 (Live Broadcast) Banquet to Celebrate the Victory of the 2017 Global Rally for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula 2017.11.11 446
65 (Live Broadcast) 2017 Global Rally for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula 2017.10.31 855
64 Live Broadcast Kanagawa HJ Peace Loving Festival 2017.10.12 535
63 聖和慶典的現場轉播 天地人真父母文鮮明聖和五周年紀念大會 2017.08.30 169

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