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Notice [Live broadcast] Weeklong Celebration of the Holy Birth of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the 12 th Anniversary of Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day 2025.01.31 323
Notice PeaceTV App - E-Book Updates 2021.12.01 941
94 [Live Broadcast]2018 Rally of Hope for Hyojeong and True Families in Chung Cheong Province 2018.10.11 336
93 [Live Broadcast] 2018 Subregion 4 Rally for the Hopeful March Forward of the Harmonious Unification of Heavenly Korea 2018.10.02 247
92 [การถ่ายทอดสด]งานรำลึกครบรอบปีที่ 6 ของการเดินทางขึ้นสู่สวรรค์อันศักดิ์สิทธิ์ของคุณพ่อที่แท้จริง2018 พิธีรับพรมงคลสมรสศักดิ์สิทธิ์ “ฮโยจอง” ในระดับเอกภพ โดยพ่อแม่ที่แท้จริงแห่งสวรรค์ โลก และมวลมนุษยชาติเป็นผู้ประกอบพิธี 2018.08.21 111
91 [網絡直播指南]文鮮明天地人真父母天宙聖和六週年紀念聖和祝祭2018天地人真父母孝情天宙祝福式 2018.08.21 238
90 [Live Broadcast]Sixth Anniversary of True Father’s Holy Ascension 2018 Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Ceremony Officiated by the True Parents 2018.08.17 2100
89 [Live Webcast Announcement] Latin America Summit 2018 Rally for the Hopeful March Forward of the Providence 2018.07.25 2806
88 [Live Webcast Announcement] 2018 Hyo Jeong Cultural Peace Festival in Okayama 2018.07.16 447
87 [Live Webcast Announcement] 60th Anniversary of FFWPU-Japan: 2018 20,000-Person Rally for the Hopeful March Forward of FFWPU for a Heavenly Japan 2018.06.26 825
86 [Live Broadcast ] 2018 Liberation of Fallen Heroes and the Determination Rally for North-South Unification 2018.06.19 438
85 Termination of PeaceTV Vimeo Page 2018.06.15 335
84 [Live Broadcast ] 2018 Yeongnam Rally for the Hopeful March Forward of a Heavenly Korea 2018.05.23 856
83 Special Victory Luncheon to Celebrate True Parents’ Safe Return, Heavenly Europe’s Hopeful March Forward Rally and the 2018 Cheongpyeong Hyo Jeong International Azalea Festival 2018.05.06 258
82 [Live Broadcast ]Gapyeong County Residents Hyo Jeong Singing Contest 2018.05.04 317
81 April 30th Victory Celebration Broadcast 2018.05.01 180
80 [Live Broadcast]2018 Azalea Festival Hyo Jeong Cheongpyeong Special Great Works 2018.05.01 730

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