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Special Gathering to Celebrate the Victorious Events Marking the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (October 24, 2021)
Date created : 2021-10-28/ Views : 3338

Cheon Il Guk Victory Celebration to 
Commemorate the Events Marking the 9th Anniversary of
the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

9.19 by the heavenly calendar in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk (October 24, 2021)
Cheongshim Peace World Center and online

My dear leaders and blessed families sharing this moment together in various parts of the world! 

Today is indeed a happy day. We know how much Heaven has waited for this first step toward life in the kingdom of heaven on earth, where Heavenly Parent’s dream has been realized, the dream of all people living together with True Parents and attending Heavenly Parent in his substantial form on earth. To bring about that day when our Heavenly Parent can begin living on earth, Heaven, thankfully, blessed the Korean Peninsula to become True Parents’ birthplace. However, in light of today’s reality, we can see that the Korean people have not yet awakened.

The desire of True Parents was for the Korean nation, blessed by Heaven, to become a unified nation that attends Heaven, and for Korea and its people to be able to speak proudly to the world about how people should live in attendance to Heaven. With that hope in mind, True Parents have striven until this day in an unimaginable environment, holding on to Heaven and investing all their devotion and effort, as True Parents, in the situation in which Christianity has not been able to fulfill its responsibility of making sure that America and Japan had no recourse but to unite. We cannot imagine how much God has had to work to create this environment whereby tomorrow can, for the first time ever, seem hopeful to contemplate.

Now that the age of the Asia-Pacific Civilization has been initiated, True Parents’ efforts, which have moved even heaven and earth, are now seeking a way through which various nations in the world can take the path to a world of true peace together with True Parents. As we listened to the report of the visit to Cambodia by the director-general of the international headquarters, we came to deeply realize that Heaven has been preparing for this day. 
National-level leaders from various faiths have resolved to uphold True Parents’ teachings and work together to forge a path to a world of peace. They are pooling their abilities and wisdom to create a world wherein all people live together as one peaceful family, which is our Heavenly Parent’s dream. We know that no words can describe how much Heaven has had to strive to cultivate such true leaders and righteous people that can take the lead on this path. 

This is reality: Heaven cannot wait any longer. The blessed families of the Unification Community, especially the blessed families of Korea, have a great portion of responsibility. To take the first step toward transforming Korea into a nation that attends Heaven, what you need to do over the coming six months is to believe in Heaven and unite with True Mother, the only begotten daughter, and fulfill your responsibilities. On the day you accomplish this, Heaven will be together with us, and it will be the day on which our dream, and our Heavenly Parent’s dream, is made real. I ask you to please be mindful of this and do your utmost best. 

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