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True Mother's Message at Heavenly Japan's Sub-Region 1 Service of Hope (August 1, 2021)
Date created : 2021-08-06/ Views : 2969

Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community of Japan Subregion 1 Worship Service of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World

·         Date: 6.23 in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk (August 1, 2021)

·         Venue: Cheon Jeong Gung, Shyoto HQ (South Tokyo) and online

 [True Mother’s Message]

Beloved public leaders, peace ambassadors, and blessed families of Japan!

Subregional director Tanaka’s message was wonderful. Considering how Japan is positioned today, though Japan is hosting the Olympics, it cannot be seen as completely successful as the top leaders and the people of Japan still remain to be united. In other words, Japan is equipped in every way, but lacks a center.

It is also the case that throughout 6,000 years of history, humanity has sought a peaceful and free world as well. Yet, there is no hope on the horizon. Through events in the natural environment God is now showing humanity that He can wait no longer. As long as those countries that we call advanced nations continue to pursue human-centered national interests, peace for all humankind cannot come about.

Moreover, how can the natural disasters we are facing today as a result of human ignorance really be explained? Even the most advanced science and technology cannot provide a solution. The highest-placed leaders of nations need to realize that their neglecting to take heed of God’s warnings and hear His voice in spite of this reality has caused the indescribable suffering that humankind must today endure.

Human civilization is said to have begun on the continental landmasses. Considering this, with respect to Korea and Japan, we can say that the history of Korea is longer than that of Japan, and that the cultures of the Goguryeo and Baekjae periods may have crossed over to Japan. What should Japan think about this? The possibility that the Korean people may be the ancestors of the Japanese…. Japan, an island nation, must have also known, from a geographical and geopolitical standpoint, how important the Korean Peninsula is, being the closest access point to the larger continent. This is why many bad things came to be inflicted on Korea throughout history. 

Now, Japan should no longer be a nation that thinks of only herself. Otherwise, there will be no hope in the future. Sea levels are gradually rising due to climate change, and if this continues it will be the island nations that suffer the most from flooding. Then, where should the people of the inundated island nations go?

When scientists talk about what will happen in a few decades, they speak more about the destruction of the earth than about hope for the earth. Then, in the face of this reality what kind of resolve should Japan’s politicians and its people and Korea’s top leaders and its people have at this point?

What we desire is a world of peace, one great human family centered on Heavenly Parent—centered on God our Creator. This is what have been dreaming of, singing about, and working to realize. Korea and Japan, which have been placed at the center of the providence, must not only become one but also fulfill their roles as the mother and as parents to the world. It will not do if Japan turns away from this reality. We are at the threshold of the original Kingdom of Heaven on earth that all people have longed to see. If we just weakly sit down at this point, they have no future.

As the Mother of Peace, God’s only begotten daughter, the True Mother, and the Mother of the universe, I sincerely and strongly hope that Korea and Japan will become two nations that attend God, our Creator, and fulfill their responsibility. And may the blessed families, peace ambassadors and leaders in these two nations advance the day wherein the two nations can pledge and proclaim to be united in one voice.  

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