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Special Lectures
Lecture 4 : [The Principle of Creation 3] The Purpose of Creation and Roadmap of Life
Date created : 2014-09-25/ Views : 1679

Dr. Son, Dae Oh Divine Principle Lecture Series
Power Point Script by Tyler Hendricks:
< Principle of Creation 3>

Note: the symbol “” indicates when an animation appears on the slide, in relation to the text. 

Lecture 4
The Purpose of Creation and Roadmap of Life

Hello I’m Dr. Tyler Hendricks. I welcome you to our discussion of God’s purpose of creation.
In this world nothing exists without a purpose. All things are created beings, and their creator has a purpose for creating them. The creator’s purpose becomes the purpose of the created entity.
Thus our purpose as human beings is also determined by the Creator God’s purpose for creating us. We will study our purpose—why we are here—in light of God’s purposes. 
We can know of God’s purpose of creation through the Bible. Its first book, Genesis, includes God’s act of creation. Whenever God finished one stage of creation, He said, “It is good.” This means, “It makes me happy to look at this.” At the last stage, the creation of human beings, God said, “It is very good.” So God felt a lot of joy. 
Why do we feel joy? 
 Joy comes through the stimulation received from someone who looks, acts and thinks like us. It comes when we are in familiar surroundings, like home. It comes when we create something that reflects who we are. 
 Stimulated by joy, we love these object partners. 
 The intangible God has an uncontrollable urge to love object partners who look like Him and Her. 
 In order to fulfill this there must be a tangible object.
Without a substantial object partner, 
 no one, even God, can realize love and feel joy. 
 Only with this object partner can God love and be happy, and 
 God’s object partner feels loved and is happy also. 
 That is why the creation began. Because happiness comes through the substantial object partner, the intangible God created all things with this purpose. 
Human beings are the children of God and His companions of love at the same time. Then when does God feel the most happiness? It is when humans were created, and when what He conceived as an idea was fulfilled. God created us according to His form and shape. In other words, God is the Parents of humanity—our Father and Mother. 
Therefore God is the happiest 
 when we resemble His form and shape, and 
 when we realize His purposes for creating us. Then what are those purposes? 
God, our Parents, created us and gave us blessings.
 In Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”
To “be fruitful” means for each of us to complete our individuality. It means to resemble God’s divine nature and character.
 It means centered on God’s love, your mind and body must fulfill give and receive 
 based on conscience and heart. 
 You must have God's wholeness and fulfill His and Her values. 
 In the Bible they call Jesus the incarnation of His Word. He is recorded as one who became one with God. 
To “increase in number, fill the earth” means for those who have fulfilled their individual maturity to marry and have children, and 
 expand into a tribe, nation and world. This, in other words, means the completion of the family. 
In Genesis 1:27 it says that God created man in His image, male and female He created them. This means that the harmonious unification of male and female is the image of God. Genesis 2:24 states that husband and wife are to 
 become one flesh. 
 Men were born for women, and women were born for men. 
 The oneness of male and female is the form of God. 
 The husband can meet God through his wife, and the wife can meet God through her husband.
Through the oneness of husband and wife, children are born, and through the birth of children, the couple becomes parents and the children become brothers and sisters. 
 Thus the family comprises four loves: the love of parents, 
 love of husband and wife, 
 love of children, and 
 the love of brother and sister. Today, you and I can build a heaven with these four kinds of love in our family. A community where love spreads to your neighbors, a world where all people serve God as their Parents and consider all humanity as their brothers and sisters—this is the ideal of God.
Finally, “…subdue it. 
 Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over 
 every living creature that moves on the ground” means for 
 human beings to care for all things with love.
 Environmentalists see this verse and say Christianity has had the mindset of destroying nature. But to care means for human beings to help the creation fulfill its true nature. 
 It means to reveal our object partners’ value. It means to face all things with the heart of God. 
 That is when natural things in the universe respond to us and bless us. 
 It is an approach of loving nature, not destroying it. It means to develop and preserve nature with love, not to destroy the environment and ecosystem. 
 This is the important insight of the Unification theory. It provides the basics of environmental ethics and eco-system theology.
SLIDE 12: 
In the Unification theory, it says after God created His children He gave us these three blessings. 
 These are blessings that came by grace, but at the same time they are our purpose and responsibility. 
 God is the happiest when we fulfill these three blessings. 
 The fulfillment of these three blessings is the perfect image of God. The way we can make God happy is through fulfilling these three blessings. The best example of this is everyone’s parents. 
 When their child is born, parents always hope for good health of their body and soul, and hope they meet a good husband or wife and have a good life. Parents feel the most joy when their children fulfill these things. 
SLIDE 13: 
God's motive for creation was these feelings, and He made them into the Three Blessings. 
 This is the purpose of creation and roadmap for human life. A world where this purpose is fulfilled is heaven on earth, a big family in a world under God. 
 The Unification Theory's Ideal is 
 to actualize heaven on earth 
 right now, right here. Here and now, let us fulfill the three great blessings, live happy lives and bless the world. 

But how can we have good reciprocal relationships? How can we decide what has value and what doesn’t, what is good and what is not good? In our next session, we will address these questions. 
Thank you.

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