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Special Lectures
Lecture 3 : [The Principle of Creation 2] A Way of Life Based on God’s Existence
Date created : 2014-09-17/ Views : 1699
Dr. Son, Dae Oh Divine Principle Lecture Series
Power Point Script by Tyler Hendricks: <ppt_lecture 3.ppt>
<Universal Prime Force, Give and Take Action and the Four-Position Foundation>

Note: the symbol “” indicates when an animation appears on the slide, in relation to the text. 

Lecture 3

The Principle of Creation 2: A Way of Life Based on God’s Existence


I’m Tyler Hendricks, and I welcome you to our second talk on the Principle of Creation. 

How can an invisible God exist? Is God just “there” forever, by magic? Or is there some action that explains the presence and power of this invisible God? If there is, wouldn’t that give us insight into the way the world works, and how we can live in balance with it? 
We will look at this in this presentation—a way of life based on God’s existence.  
Moses is revered as the great teacher of Israel. After Moses fled the Pharaoh's palace in Egypt, he was living in the land of Midian. One day, as a shepherd at the foot of Mt. Sinai, an angel of the Lord called to him through a burning bush. 


 Moses said, “’the people will say to me, what is his name? What shall I say unto them?’ 

 And God said unto Moses, ‘I AM THAT I AM;’ and he said, ‘Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.’” (Ex 3:1-14) By this we know that the God of Moses exists on His own, from His own power. 


All beings need energy in order to exist. Without energy, no entity can exist, multiply or act. 

 If God exists, God possesses energy for His existence. 

 In the Unification Principle, we call this energy “Universal Prime-Force.” God is the creator and sustainer of all things. The Universal Prime-Force God possesses is this fundamental energy of all things. 

 This is the fundamental energy for all beings to exist. 


In scientific language, Universal Prime Force is called 'Prior-state Energy' or 'Pre-energy.'
With this energy, God exists and creates.


Now, energy that continues in one direction eventually reaches a limit and ceases. For energy to have perpetuity, there must be bi-directional interaction. 


As we have seen, our God possesses dual characteristics and 

 all things in creation are created  

 in partnership pairs. Thus, all existences function through reciprocal relationships of internal nature and external form and masculinity and femininity.


Both partake of God’s universal prime force, but they do different things with it. One part is initiates, 

 the subject partner, and the other stimulates, 

 the object partner. Prompted by 

 the Universal Prime Force, the subject partner gives its surplus energy to the object partner, and the object partner returns greater energy to the subject partner. We call this reciprocal movement 

 Give and Receive Action. When entities engage in Give and Receive Action initiated by the Universal Prime Force, all the forces necessary for existence, reproduction, and action are generated, and the entity can have eternal life. 


Reciprocal relationships of giving and receiving can be found between 

 positive charges and negative charges, positive ions and negative ions, 

 stamen and pistol, male and female, 

 the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between plants and animals, arteries and veins, inhalation and exhalation, consumption and elimination, 

 husband and wife, 

 myself and neighbors and all relationships. 


From the perspective of time and process, the universal prime force with God is 

 the Origin, the subject and object partners are the Division stage, and through their reciprocal relationship they form a 

 Union or an offspring. 

God, as the Origin, is divided into two substances, after which again form one body. We call this process "origin-division-union action." 


In spatial terms, the four positions of 

 origin, subject partner, object partner and the union create the four-position foundation. This is the most stable and ideal structure, the core structure of the creation. 

SLIDE 11: 

When the circular movement of give and receive rotates on its axis, it becomes a sphere, and the harmony of creation unfolds. The harmony and beauty of the universe unfolds through the various degrees of distance, shape, direction, angle and speed of giving and receiving of these orbits. God possesses this sustaining force and creative power. 


The materialistic dialectic of thesis-antithesis-synthesis has justified the existence of conflict and use of violence and force to make progress. 

The philosophy of Origin Division Union Action and the Four Position Foundation explains that progress comes through win-win relationships based on freedom and responsibility. 
The Origin Division Union Action and the Four Position Foundation is a structure of universal values and mutual prosperity, not struggle and opposition. 

With God as the origin, all created beings exist in four position foundations of Origin Division Union Action. 


There is a very important rule in Give and Receive Action, and this is to 'give first.' Giving is first. 

 The one who gives first is the subject partner. 

 The subject partner always takes interest in the object partner with a heart of love. He or she always cares for the object partner and puts their needs first. This is the mindset of the subject partner. 

 The object partner in return feels a heart of loyalty, filial piety, good faith, respect and gratitude. This is the mindset of the object partner. However, we do not occupy one position only. 

SLIDE 14: 

We exist in relation to 7 points: up, down, front, back, right, left and the center. 

SLIDE 15: 

We have different relationships with 

 God, our parents, teachers and employers, 

 with our children, students and subordinates, 

 with our seniors and elder brothers and sisters, 

 with our juniors and younger brothers and sisters, 

 with our spouse, neighbors and friends. Therefore, each of us acts as subject partners and object partners at the same time. 

 We are multi-dimensional beings. 


So we learn to think, feel and act with a well-rounded personality. This makes life rich and enjoyable. 

 We learn to live with humility, sacrifice, service, 

 mutual respect, consideration, and 

 a heart to love others when we connect to this natural spiritual framework. 


The foundation is reciprocal relationship and the four-position foundation. Jesus taught this when he said, 

 "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matt 7:12)

 "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For by the standard you judge you will be judged, and the measure you use will be the measure you receive."(Matt 7:1-2)

 "Whoever, then, acknowledges me before people, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven." (Matt 10:32)

 "And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, I tell you the truth, he will never lose his reward."(Matt 10:42) In the Oriental ancient script Da Xue, there is the (혈구지도) script about measuring with a ruler. This is about relating to others by putting yourself in their shoes from the positions of up, down, front, back, right, left. Also in the 13th chapter of Doctrine of the Mean, there is the script of Choongseo 충서(忠恕), "Do not do unto others as you would not like done unto you." 

This is some of the wisdom we have so that we may live together in peace. The goal of establishing a four-position foundation through give and receive action is a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values.


Today, we seek different types of leadership. 

 Sensitivity and righteousness are valued. The Unification Principle shows the way for leadership of interdependence and mutual prosperity based on universally shared values. Let us enjoy life together; let us prosper and live with virtue. 

 The four-position foundation is a model based on win-win, not conflict. We strive to be altruistic, not egocentric. 

 We live in harmony with the creation and with the Creator God. We strive to benefit each other, in a win-win relationship. This is a world that lifts up the person with a wide and deep embrace. 

 This is our way of life based on God’s existence. 

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