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Full Speeches
True Mother’s Message at the Thanksgiving Dinner (November 24, 2022)
Date created : 2022-12-09/ Views : 1893
True Mother’s Message at the Thanksgiving Dinner
11.1 in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk (Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2022)

Did you enjoy your dinner? Did you eat with a heart of gratitude? (Applause)
We are people of happiness. Happy people naturally think, act, and implement with a grateful heart. Isn’t that so? [Yes.] 
Furthermore, after 6,000 years Heavenly Parent’s dream has been realized on earth through True Parents, and a new chapter of history is being written. There should therefore be a central nation that ensures the firm settlement of Cheon Il Guk, shouldn’t there? [Yes.]  
You are on a path unlike any other in history, and it leads toward a heavenly unified Korea and a heavenly unified world. Actually living in this time when True Parents are alive, you can participate in their providence. That is something to be grateful for, something that brings you to tears, isn’t it? [Yes.]
It was in preparing to receive the Messiah on his promised return that Christian history unfolded. And yet we have very little content describing the time with Jesus. In other words, Christianity began without knowing why Jesus became the Messiah or what his true nature was. 
Jesus had said he would return; Christianity thus began with people waiting for him.
Over the next 2,000 years, however, a human-centered system emerged that prescribed a certain way of practicing one’s faith, but conscientious believers that wanted to venerate God were not satisfied. 
Rather than learning about God in the church system, they sought to serve God in a bigger and broader environment. Despite not knowing it, they were on a quest for Heaven. The path to finding the Creator was arduous. Nevertheless, for the sake of God’s era, there must be a nation in which such an environment has been established.
There are more than eight billion people in the world today. Eight billion people.... In the early days of our church, it was about three billion people. The number has grown from that point to eight billion in the present time. 
I said I would like to see one-third of humankind come to know about Heavenly Parent. Wouldn’t that be great? Unfortunately, I am not so young anymore. It is important that we achieve the mission of having one-third of humanity attend Heavenly Parent together with me. Together with me. This is not a blessing just for you.
There are no words to describe the world right now. In all respects, it has reached the end point. It is the end of the line. That is why I have said that all religions, races, and nations have reached their final destination and must disembark. Where should they go after disembarking? Finding True Parents is the only path to the future, the only path to life—so it is an immense honor to have participated in the earthly providence of True Parents. 
What kind of life will your descendants be able to lead with pride? Aren’t you looking forward to seeing that? [Yes.]
If so, what should you do? Have a grateful heart every day. You must create many such instances when we can spend time together, as we are doing now, working to fulfill Heavenly Parent’s wish, True Parents’ wishes, and the wishes of all people. 
Therefore, what should you do? To begin with, ensure you are able to achieve results you are proud of in all aspects of your work. In essence, this nation must become one that attends Heaven—the Heavenly Parent and True Parents. [Aju.]
The reason this must be achieved is that we must be able to stand in a position of which God can be proud when we dedicate the Cheon Won Gung’s Cheon Il Sanctum on May 5 next year. “Thank you for your tireless efforts. From now on, let us completely commit to restoring not only this country, but also the entire world! We must strive only for victory!” Wouldn’t God say that? [Yes.] Will you do it? [Yes!] (Applause)
Based on that standpoint, please make your resolutions and take action accordingly. In doing so, I sincerely hope that you will be able to harvest the many fruits that Heaven has been hoping to see. [Yes.] (Applause)

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