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Full Speeches
Heavenly Parent's Holy Community, National Assembly of FFWPU Pastors (January 8, 2022)
Date created : 2022-01-13/ Views : 1832

Regarding True Mother’s Authority


This was True Mother’s speech at Heavenly Parent's Holy Community’s January 7–8 National Assembly of FFWPU Pastors at the Cheonwon Church. Mother spoke on the second day.


The eventful (lunar calendar) year of the cow is not over yet. In almost twenty days, we will enter the new year of the tiger. The black tiger! In 1962 (also the year of the tiger), True Parents gave birth to Hyo-jin nim. Early members and other people receiving revelations had declared, "Rejoice! A prince is born." So we had held a special celebration.

However, with twenty days to go before the celebration of the new year of the tiger, it cannot be said that the history of the Unification Church has gone as planned. True Parents have the responsibility of realizing Heavenly Parent’s dream on earth. The birth of True Parents was to take place under the protection and on the foundation Christianity prepared for over two thousand years.

Jesus promised to return to hold the marriage feast of the Lamb, because two thousand years ago, when he came as the only Begotten Son to celebrate this wedding, he had been unable to find the only begotten daughter. Therefore, he promised to return to celebrate the marriage feast of the Lamb. This means that he had to become the True Parent. Thus, Christianity had to first find where the only begotten daughter had been born.

God has blessed the Unification Church. He wanted to reveal his authority through us. Thus, God brought forth his only daughter whom only we can have and of whom we can be proud. So, why haven't you been able to face situations with confidence? How is it that, although you have power from God with you, you did not boldly step forward and teach others?

This new year of the black tiger (2022) is the year in which we have to reveal God's authority and power. Yesterday I received a letter from a Japanese leader, saying that the Chinese character "im" designating this new year symbolizes a pregnant woman. It is said that the year of the black tiger symbolizes a woman. Who could it be? It is the only begotten daughter.

Just as True Mother's authority manifested sixty years ago, so too in twenty days, when we welcome the lunar year, should it or shouldn't it manifest itself again? Truly I tell you, you must now teach about it openly. Why the need for hesitation? We have so much to proud of.

In this regard, I wish that all of you who are preparing to welcome this new year of the tiger, can become leaders who are preparing for a year in which you spread widely the life-giving blessings of Heaven. [applause] I've said this before: The reality is that you are experiencing the golden age by living and breathing in the same era as I do.

You are in a blessed position in which you can boast to Heaven of the fruits of your efforts. It is truly a pity for a good shepherd who cannot harvest during the harvest season. You must harvest numerous fruits. That's the way to ensure the future. Therefore, in this era of establishing Cheon Il Guk, I believe that you are not entitled to retirement. I wish you all—men, women, young and old—to bear great fruit in this golden age of your lives.

This new year is the year of the black tiger, a brave, powerful, wise tiger who rules in the animal kingdom. Nevertheless, it cannot stand against the human being. Therefore, be confident while True Mother, the only begotten daughter, is still on earth. I wish that during this time, in this season and throughout the year, you and this blessed people of God will actively participate in the realization of our ultimate goal, which is to create a heavenly unified Korea and heavenly unified world.


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