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Niger True Family Festival and Peace Blessing Benediction Prayer (November 29, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-24/ Views : 1798

November 29, Niger Niamey, Palace of Congress

True Mother’s Blessing Prayer


Beloved Heavenly Parent, to whom we are truly grateful! You have had to walk such a thorny path until this day to seek out humankind, whom You love. However, the True Parents, who can complete Your ideal of creation, have finally appeared on earth with the power to guide fallen people into the Heavenly Parent’s embrace through the Marriage Blessing. They have had to walk an indescribably difficult path until they could do so and establish all people as children whom Heavenly Parent can love directly. You know how we have striven at the center of this vast desert where sandstorms rage to seek the righteous people Heaven has prepared, through whom we can find the people and the nations that can be embraced by Heaven.


In this country where 80 percent of the land is desert, You have prepared righteous people from a very long time ago to create the environment where a Blessing Ceremony can be held today. Through this Marriage Blessing, the dream of one family of humanity centered on You, Heavenly Parent, transcending the barriers of religion, race and culture, can be realized. And when those who have been blessed today are able to stand in the position where they have fulfilled their responsibilities in front of Heaven—that is, when they have fulfilled their responsibilities as messiahs of their own tribes—this nation will become one that can receive Heaven’s blessing and grace.


True Parents are grateful for this and hope that, through these Blessed couples, this country of Niger will become the Heavenly Niger attending Heavenly Parent and become the center of the African continent and its beacon of light and pride. I pray that the blessed couples of this people and this nation will be able to take the lead in establishing the Kingdom of Heaven of freedom, equality, peace, unity and happiness on earth, which is the beautiful garden that You originally created, and the dream of humankind. I pray and proclaim this in the name of True Parents.”

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