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Full Speeches
African Continental Summit 2019 (November 28, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-24/ Views : 1638

November 28, Niger Niamey, Palace of Congress

The following is True Mother’s speech in full:

 “Heads of state and leaders who love true peace from different nations!  And particularly the President of Niger who has hosted this conference, the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet! Yesterday, when I was saluted by the military guard of honor, I marveled at how handsome, good-looking and manly the young people of Niger could be. As God’s only begotten daughter and the True Mother, I wanted to make them my sons.

Today, we are longing for peace. Unfortunately, the world is getting more immersed in war, conflict, and confusion. This means that peace cannot come about through human-centered efforts, ideologies, or regulations. In order to achieve true peace, we must know the essence of the Creator, the owner of this universe. Our Creator created this universe and all things on it, in His image. At the end of His creation, He created a man and a woman as the first human ancestors. He gave them responsibilities they had to achieve through a period of growth. However, when we look at the world today it has become a fallen people, who do not live up to the Creator’s expectations and hopes.

Our Creator is omniscient and omnipotent. His beginning and end are the same. He is unchanging and eternal. Hence, the issue lied in the fact that God gave man responsibility. As a result, a man and woman who have completed their responsibility as ancestors of humanity must emerge from among fallen mankind. God, therefore, could not but conduct His providence of salvation. From among fallen humankind, He chose a nation that at least loved God, and conducted His providence of salvation of restoration through indemnity until the people could grow from mere individuals to tribes, ethnic groups and finally form a nation. Finally, after 4,000 years, God could finally send His only begotten son through the Israelites. Unfortunately, humanity did not know the essence of God’s only begotten son. Even Mary, who gave birth to God’s only begotten son, did not know it. As a result, God’s only begotten daughter could not appear next to God’s only begotten son, whom God sent after 4,000 years of much efforts. Jesus ended up going the way of the cross, with the promise to return. This led to the 2,000-year providential history of Christianity.

Christianity began after Jesus' apostles, who were waiting for Jesus who had promised to return, were reborn through the works of the Holy Spirit. After being acknowledged in Rome in 313 AD, Christianity set off from the Italian Peninsula, spread out to the European continent, and reached the island nation of Great Britain. Great Britain was also called an empire on which the sun never sets. It headed out to the world holding the Bible. Unfortunately, they also did not know the essence of Jesus. Jesus taught, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Instead, they prioritized their national interests in the mission countries they went to, and came to an end as a civilization that took away from those nations.

God chose a people through whom He could send His only begotten daughter amidst humanity. God conducted His providence through the Korean Peninsula in Asia and His only begotten daughter was born within the Christian foundation in 1943. A new providential history began through the birth of God’s only begotten daughter.

In the beginning, the Creator gave man a period of growth. God’s only begotten daughter was born in 1943. Korea was liberated in 1945. With liberation came the division of Korea into the North and the South between Communism and Democracy. The Korean War, however, broke out in 1950 when South Korea had yet to establish its democratic system. Back then, Korea was a country that was barely known around the world. Then, how could the 16 member-nations of the United Nations come to the support of South Korea? To bring about the completion of the last providence, God had to give a growth period to His only begotten daughter.

The Christian foundation or Christians back then did not know of Heaven’s providence. Even though God’s only begotten daughter had finally been born after 6,000 years, and emerged next to the returning Messiah whom they so longed for, the Christian foundation remained asleep. Knowing Heaven’s circumstances, I could no longer wait for them and rose to the position of True Parents in 1960.

The True Parents. Throughout history, humanity have lived like orphans who lost their parents. As a result, not once have we been able to enjoy an era of peace though we earnestly long for peace. The 6,000-year history was a series of war, conflict and much bloodshed. Since God’s creation was to last for eternity, God could not do anything until victorious human ancestors emerged. As the True Parents, we had to guide fallen humanity back to Heavenly Parent even in the absence of a supportive environment. How did we do it? Without being reborn through True Parents’ Blessing of rebirth and resurrection, humankind cannot become children of our Heavenly Parent and Creator. Next year marks our 60th anniversary. The now 60-year Blessing history, which began from three couples, has given birth to many blessed families across the 190 countries in the world.

To find and have all of humanity, who are about 7.6 billion in total, become Heavenly Parent’s children is actually no simple matter at all. I am already looking into my eighties, and there is a limit to how much can be done during our lives on earth. However, as God’s only begotten daughter, and the mother of this universe, I go wherever I am needed.

At the final stage when we must see the completion of the providence, the only way to solve all together the different conflicts we face today, including the religious, ideological, and racial conflicts, is through the emergence of the Parents in front of humanity. If the 200 or more countries worldwide can inherit the Parents’ tradition as sibling nations, then the world will become the Kingdom of Heaven on earth that Heavenly Parent and humanity have so longed for. In order to do so, just as our Creator created one man and woman as the human ancestors, the men and women of this fallen world must be able to be reborn as couples through the True Parents. This is the way to becoming children of Heavenly Parent. Only when the dream of One Big Family under Heavenly Parent becomes true, can true peace come about. There can be no more conflicts and wars among children attending Heavenly Parent.

I understand that several chiefs are attending this conference. If you go back down your family line as chiefs, you will find out that we all have one parent. Living as fallen humanity, not attending Heavenly Parent in our lives, has resulted in the formation of national boundaries and many barriers that prevent us from becoming one. However, the time has changed. It has been seven years since new history commenced from God’s only begotten daughter, the True Mother… Seven Cheon Il Guk years. If all people worldwide become Cheon Il Guk citizens who attend Heavenly Parent, all the problems that we worry about will be solved. I particularly know the hard work of Prophet Mohammed of Islam. That is why I have many sons from among top Muslim leaders.

This movement is a movement that truly attends Heavenly Parent. It is a movement that seeks to bring about Heavenly Parent’s dream and humanity’s hope of One Big Family under God. From such a perspective, the President of Niger is a wise president. I am confident that many great leaders who truly love peace and their people, will emerge from the continent of Africa. We may see out there in the world, some children trying to maintain some distance with their fathers, but they are one body with their mothers. Therefore, please remember that the way to receiving eternal blessings from Heavenly Parent is by having your nations or all of you here today become one with God’s only begotten daughter, who is the mother of the universe. I sincerely pray for the eternal development of Niger and the rest of Africa. Thank you.”

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