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Full Speeches
The Chinese People’s Federation for World Peace, Chinese World Assembly 2019 (November 22, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-23/ Views : 1480

Chinese People’s Federation for World Peace (CPFWP) 

Nov. 22  


“History has been a continuous repetition of war and conflict. All of humankind longs for peace, but the path to peace is always out of reach. Also, what you are trying to say today is going in a direction that cannot bring about unity, even from the perspective of China, or the Republic of China (Taiwan). Then what is to be done? We cannot unite according to human ideas and will alone. We are part of God’s creation. We must know the Creator, the Owner of the universe. We must know the Creator and go forward as “One family under God,” as one human family that attends God.

I know you must have heard the term “Cheon Il Guk.” It means a peaceful nation where two people become one.

The Creator created the heavens, earth and all things as His external form. God created everything in heaven and on earth, then created the man and woman who would become the first ancestors of humankind. He gave humankind a growth period wherein they should fulfill their responsibility. However, the first people were unable to align themselves with the Creator’s wish and became the fallen humankind of today. Therefore, history has seen a constant succession of war and conflict. In other words, people today must know that our Creator, the center of the universe, above all wished to become our parent. God is the Parent of humankind. The intangible God wished to become the tangible True Parent of all people through the victorious ancestors of humankind.

The Creator’s principles of creation were made to be eternal. Though God may be almighty and all-knowing, He cannot break His principles of creation. Therefore, God had no choice but to follow the sad course of the history of the providence of salvation to restore humankind to His embrace. This resulted in the various religions that emerged throughout history. In particular, Christians call God, our Creator, “Father.” They call God, “the Father of Humankind.” The Creator’s dream was to become humankind’s parent. However, fallen humankind could not stand in front of the Heavenly Parent. God had no choice but to wait until victorious ancestors could emerge from among humankind. That was in 1960 when the True Parents, in the position of the ancestors of all humanity, came into this world. True Parents have carried out the providence of restoration and rebirth so that humankind could be reborn through them as Heavenly Parent’s children. By receiving the Blessing through the True Parents, who have no connection to the Fall, human beings had a way to reach perfection as blessed families.

We will see a unified world centered on Heaven when all 7.7 billion people of the world know Heavenly Parent. I know that you want to make unity centered on the federation of Chinese people. However, you must know the essence. You must know who is leading this. When that happens, then all nations, large or small, will become child nations before Heavenly Parent, and sibling nations to each other, so there will be no more war or discord. Next year it will have been 60 years since the True Parents emerged. For 60 years True Parents have guided all humankind so they could be chosen as children of the Heavenly Parent as quickly as possible.

All cultures and traditions are good. However, we must make an effort to be centered on the fundamentals. Today’s meeting is centered on the Chinese region which consists of 1.7 billion people. Yet the global population is 7.7 billion. I hope for you to understand this essence and go forward powerfully to realize the dream of one human family under God, together with True Parents.”

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